As Activision Blizzard, Inc. (“the Company”) employees, each of us is personally responsible for complying with the laws applicable to our business, as well as the Company's policies, procedures and guidelines.
The Code of Conduct reminds us that all employees, as well as officers and directors, must avoid situations which involve, or could appear to involve, either directly or indirectly, conflicts between their personal interests and the interests of the Company, the Company's affiliated companies or of the Company's customers, suppliers or competitors, unless the conflict is fully disclosed and approved by the appropriate Manager and the Legal Department.
If you think you may have an actual or potential Conflict of Interest, or that others could possibly perceive an activity or relationship you are engaged in may be a Conflict of Interest, you must disclose this information by completing and submitting this Report Form.
The details of your submission can only be accessed by authorized users. You may be contacted for further information or given instructions from the Company after further review of your submission. Please note that any potential conflicts that have already been reported and cleared via the Blizzard Side Project Committee do not need to be reported again on this Report Form.